I'm looking to track down a few, 2 or 3, of the new model Blackhawk trigger springs and trigger spring retaining pins. I have a few of the new model grip frames but all of the retaining pins have been punched out of them and I didn't save any of the springs as I never expected to use them. Hindsight being what it is.
Numrich has them on hand and available but figured I would ask around her first and maybe help someone clean out their hording stash and save myself some tax money.
NM Trigger spring and retaining pins
NM Trigger spring and retaining pins
Possessions have a way of possessing their possessors. - Daniel L. Dustin
Possessions have a way of possessing their possessors. - Daniel L. Dustin
Re: NM Trigger spring and retaining pins
New Model??
What's that????????
What's that????????

I do not "own" these guns, I am but the next caretaker
Re: NM Trigger spring and retaining pins
The sorted world of collecting. The collectable versions and the shooter customs. I keep mine in different safes to avoid any confusion or infighting. I personally prefer the Steel grip frames on my carry/shooter guns.
Possessions have a way of possessing their possessors. - Daniel L. Dustin
Possessions have a way of possessing their possessors. - Daniel L. Dustin