Bill, that's the box I was telling you about.
Ruger wood case
- Posts: 839
- Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2018 7:35 pm
- Location: Iron City, TN
Re: Ruger wood case
Any day without learning is a day of backing up.
Re: Ruger wood case
Bennett, I sould have paid closer attention to the description, dang..
- Posts: 401
- Joined: Sat Jul 15, 2017 5:56 pm
- Location: Illinois
Re: Ruger wood case
John Dougan sent me this email yesterday and said that I could share it here on the Forum:
Hello Hill Billy,
I saw the discussion regarding the wood .357 Blackhawk case on the ROCS forum. What a surprise, I always thought there were only 3 cases. The case on Ebay is identical to the one in my collection except it features a metal retainer to secure the cleaning rod, mine does not, it has a block in the lid that holds the rod in place when the lid is closed.
The two cases that Machniac owns have the metal retainer. His Blackhawk case is identical to the other two but has an additional recess for a screw driver. You can see his cases and mine on pages 301 & 302 in my book.
Steve Vogel kept my case on top of the book case in his home in Fairfield and he showed it to me on one of my visits, I always stayed at Vogel's estate when I was doing research at the factory, they had a wonderful guest room on the second floor over the carriage house, I begged him for years to sell or trade the case to me, and he always declined, throwing me into a deep depression every time. I think he knew how bad I wanted that case and had fun playing cat & mouse with me, building up the drama. He was kind enough though to lend it to me on a couple occasions so I could include it in my display, reluctantly I always sent it back to him.
He sent me a letter on RCA letterhead dated July 17, 1985 regarding the case, it says;
Dear John,
I am sending to you under separate cover the experimental 4 5/8" Flattop Blackhawk case which you ask about.
This case is, as far as I know, a one-of-a-kind sample made in the mid-50's and never adopted.
I believe it was made by the same firm who made the original Super Blackhawk cases.
Best regards,
Sincerely, Steve K. Vogel
I reviewed thousands of invoices from Ruger's accounts payable files, among the invoices were the invoices from Gates, Inc. for the S47 mahogany cases, no invoices for the subject cases though, suggesting that they were indeed submitted as samples.
Chad indicated on the forum discussion that he would like to see a factory letter on the status of these, I'm afraid the Vogel letter will have to suffice.
In the spring of 1987 I used the case in the NRA/RCA display at Reno. When we were taking the display down I handed the case to Vogel to take home with him. He smiled and handed it back to me and said, " you keep it, it fits in your collection better than mine".
You can post this info on the ROCS if you wish.
Regards, John
Hello Hill Billy,
I saw the discussion regarding the wood .357 Blackhawk case on the ROCS forum. What a surprise, I always thought there were only 3 cases. The case on Ebay is identical to the one in my collection except it features a metal retainer to secure the cleaning rod, mine does not, it has a block in the lid that holds the rod in place when the lid is closed.
The two cases that Machniac owns have the metal retainer. His Blackhawk case is identical to the other two but has an additional recess for a screw driver. You can see his cases and mine on pages 301 & 302 in my book.
Steve Vogel kept my case on top of the book case in his home in Fairfield and he showed it to me on one of my visits, I always stayed at Vogel's estate when I was doing research at the factory, they had a wonderful guest room on the second floor over the carriage house, I begged him for years to sell or trade the case to me, and he always declined, throwing me into a deep depression every time. I think he knew how bad I wanted that case and had fun playing cat & mouse with me, building up the drama. He was kind enough though to lend it to me on a couple occasions so I could include it in my display, reluctantly I always sent it back to him.
He sent me a letter on RCA letterhead dated July 17, 1985 regarding the case, it says;
Dear John,
I am sending to you under separate cover the experimental 4 5/8" Flattop Blackhawk case which you ask about.
This case is, as far as I know, a one-of-a-kind sample made in the mid-50's and never adopted.
I believe it was made by the same firm who made the original Super Blackhawk cases.
Best regards,
Sincerely, Steve K. Vogel
I reviewed thousands of invoices from Ruger's accounts payable files, among the invoices were the invoices from Gates, Inc. for the S47 mahogany cases, no invoices for the subject cases though, suggesting that they were indeed submitted as samples.
Chad indicated on the forum discussion that he would like to see a factory letter on the status of these, I'm afraid the Vogel letter will have to suffice.
In the spring of 1987 I used the case in the NRA/RCA display at Reno. When we were taking the display down I handed the case to Vogel to take home with him. He smiled and handed it back to me and said, " you keep it, it fits in your collection better than mine".
You can post this info on the ROCS if you wish.
Regards, John
Re: Ruger wood case
WONDERFUL! Superb documentation for the history of the case, and a great addition to the owner. It is understood that the subject box purchased on Ebay came from the estate of a champion shooter who lived in Montana, having passed in the later part of 2018. There was no firearm with the case. Leads one to ponder if the case (with firearm) was sold or gifted by WBR to the late owner......Or perhaps it ended up in Montana for one of other myriad reasons..........Things that make us say "Hmmmmmmmmm" 

- Posts: 839
- Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2018 7:35 pm
- Location: Iron City, TN
Re: Ruger wood case
My main concern of the one that sold on Ebay is that it looks brand new, no wear of the inner felt and its hard to believe that if wood that old could look so good. You would think that the Mahogany would have faded over the years. Plus the lack of documentation keep me from bidding on it above around $150 range. It's hard to tell the condition and color of the wood on the ones in John's book.
Any day without learning is a day of backing up.
Re: Ruger wood case
..Just off the top........IF it is original and correct, and, assuming "old", perhaps it was kept on the top shelf of a closet, in the dark. Most of us do not keep our firearms in the box, knowing that boxes collect moisture( a rule of thumb, perhaps), so no wear internal to the box. Third, I have no idea how this would be so exactly reproduced, when all one would have were some black and white pictures in the Dougan book to use as a source of models. It seems to my eyes that the interiors of the boxes on page 302 are much grainier(flocked?) than the box on page 301 and the pictures of the subject box on EBAY show a smooth glossy contoured finish. I Continue to think the EBAY box is a home run for the buyer. Heck, a RSS5 box can cost $150........ AND , a nice mahogany 1/4000 Super box is at least $550..........

Last edited by Hawkeye28 on Tue Jul 30, 2019 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Ruger wood case
Bill, thank you for reposting the email from Mr Dougan, that is a cool story,,,NOW it would worth hearing from Mr Machniak on the history, background of the cases that he has?? I know Bob C had often wondered and asked about them but never heard nothing and Don W never came up with an answer from his travels with Rich and Jim S. out to Tulsa over the years....would have been a good story on the LONG trip out or back from Tulsa,,,gee wonder just what they did talk about...
all part of "Ruger Lore" and all these 'players' are no longer with us.....

all part of "Ruger Lore" and all these 'players' are no longer with us.....

Re: Ruger wood case
I'll have to talk to Rich about them. He has told me some about them but it was many moons ago when he showed them to me so afraid I will misspeak. Will see what I can find out.
Re: Ruger wood case
Good history on this JD. Thank you!!