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Double your display fun!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:06 am
by Charlie1022
My wife and I figured out how to double our fun with our collections when she decided to have her own display. She would always go to the shows with me and always had fun talking to people so it was easy when she got started with her pair of Kelly Glen Kimbro limited SP 101's. She first displayed at a show in Tulsa, OK. and did very good for her first show. We have not made it to the last couple shows due to family issues and now this Covid issue. I encourage other to get your other half or a friend to display your collections. You get to meet many more like minded people when you display than just checking out the many tables. I have had several guns find me because people see what I display. It also give you something else to talk about on what you found at the show or how you can improve your collection and or display. We have displayed in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and Oklahoma as well as a show we went to up in Michigan almost 30 years ago. So get your safe queens out and have some fun show them to others and have a good time!

Re: Double your display fun!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:11 pm
Good advice Charlie, I wish I could get my wife to do the same. We could sure expand our displays if more members would follow your lead.

Re: Double your display fun!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 1:51 am
by Charlie1022
Anyone else talk their other half into displaying yet? My wife is looking forward to show off her guns at the July show.