Display Show and Award Rules Guidelines
The ROCS display show is open to any and all current members of ROCS.
Displays are to consist of any of the following; Ruger Firearms, boxes, paper work, tools, memorabilia,, advertisements, and any related item.
The purpose of the ROCS display show should be directed to educating the general public in an effort to attract new members as well as showing what Ruger has to offer.
Part I - The Display: Simple as 1-2-3, whether you have one item or a hundred.
- All displays should have a title. The title should fit/describe the display.
- Your display should have a theme and the items displayed should follow that theme.
- All items should be labeled.
Part II - Divisions, Categories, Classes, Awards
For the purpose of fairness they will be the five following classes. You must win your class before
moving to the next higher class.
- Youth:
If only one youth displayer he/she may be placed in the Novice class
Special Rules For Youth Displayers
A youth displayer is any person under the age of 21. His or her display must contain guns and/or ammo he or she is legally able to own in their state or the state the show is being held, and not guns or material owned by family members. In most states the legal age to own or purchase a handgun from a licensed dealer is 21. For this reason a youth display should consist only of long guns (if they are legally able to be owned by the youth in their state and the state the show is being held), advertising literature, documentation, brassards, belt buckles, and other related material.
- Novice
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Masters (non-judged)
Winners of each class will automatically move up to the next class. You may stay in the Advanced Class
for up to three wins with different displays, then it is mandatory for you to move up to Masters. You also may move to a higher class at will if you so desire. But if you move up, either automatically or by choice, you cannot move back down to a lower class. The only exception to this rule is for the Master class. They can move down to the Advanced class only if they have new or different guns in their display that have not been displayed before. You can only win once with the same display or guns.
Part III - Judging and Points
1) Title and Labels: Is there a highlighted title that fits this display? Are all items labeled, including information that shows their relationship to the title and theme?
Maximum: 10 points
2) Theme: Does the display have an overall theme? Does the material presented illustrate that theme in a comprehensive and interesting manner?
Maximum: 20 points
3) Related Items: Presence, interest, and significance of non-firearm related items in the display. (Possible examples might include ammunition, holsters, boxes, documents, accessories, period clothing or uniforms or other related items.)
Maximum: 10 points
4) Condition: How does the condition of items in the display compare to items available?
Maximum: 10 points
5) Rarity of items displayed.
Maximum: 10 points
6) Collector importance and/or historical significance of items displayed: Do items claiming historical provenance have reasonable supporting and accurate documentation where appropriate?
Maximum: 20 points
7) Display appeal, design, and appearance: Considering factors such as neatness, creativity, general appearance and overall appeal of the display.
Maximum: 20 points
Total maximum points: 100
RENE Best Gun of Show
In addition to all other awards for the displayer, the Red Eagle
News Exchange, RENE, is continuing its 30 year tradition of giving a 1
year's subscription to their newsletter and a Certificate for the "Best Ruger of the Show".
This Certificate should accompany the gun the rest of its life even if the gun changes hands.
This award is open to any Ruger firearm that has not received this
award from RENE in the past.
It can be the same gun that you enter for a Silver Medal or a
completely different one, if it qualifies.
It is possible for you to win a Silver Medal and the RENE Best Ruger of
the Show award with the same gun. You can only win once with the
same gun.
You must notify the judges of your entry for the "RENE Best Ruger of the show". This is best done when submitting your show write up and
"Silver Medal" entry. Also be sure to identify your Best Ruger in your
ROCS/NRA Silver Medal Program
"NRA Gun Collectors Affiliate Silver Medals" are provided by the NRA to be used only by NRA
affiliate gun clubs and organizations as awards for special, rare and unique firearms.
The ROCS/NRA Silver Medal Awards program will begin with the Tulsa 2019 ROCS Display
Only ROCS Displayers who are current NRA members are eligible to participate in and receive
awards for the ¿Best Ruger of the Show¿ under the ROCS/NRA Silver Medal program.
Any Ruger firearm is eligible to be entered by a ROCS Displayer to be judged. However, it
should be a special rare and/or unique Ruger firearm to be considered. The judges will make
the final decision if a particular firearm that is entered into a class meets the criteria of being
a "special, rare and/or unique Ruger firearm" that would make it eligible to be judged and
Ruger firearms that have been named as ¿Best Gun of the Show¿ in the past under ROCS
judging rules are also eligible to be entered into the ROCS/NRA Silver Medal Awards program.
Only two ROCS/NRA Silver Medals and Certificates may be awarded at each ROCS sanctioned
display show.
Ruger firearms will be broken into two special classes for this program only:
> Pre-1973 produced Old Model revolvers, pistols and long guns.
> Post 1973 produced New Model revolvers, pistols and long guns.
Each NRA Silver Medal awarded has its own unique number that is assigned to the ROCS
organization. The medal should stay with the particular firearm throughout its remaining life
even if the firearm should change hands or ownership. A firearm can only win a silver medal
Judging for these two awards will be performed by the ROCS Board of Directors that are in
attendance at the applicable ROCS display show.
NOTE: Your "Best Ruger" entry should be highlighted and identified as to its class.
The Judges have the right to question the particular class selected for your firearm.
Their decision is final.
Judging Criteria to be Considered - 100 Points Maximum
1.) 20 points Is the item labeled, adequately explained and accurate supporting
documentation & provenance available for the judge's review?
2.) 30 points Rarity of the item.
3.) 30 Points Collector importance and/or historical significance of the item.
4.) 20 Points Condition of the item compared to other like items, if any, that are available.
Part IV - The Judges
- There should be a minimum of 3 judges plus 1 alternate.
- At the option of the Show Director, or his appointee, he will provide a list to all displayers of members that are available to be a Judge and the displayers will vote for 3 Judges and 1 alternate. The alternate Judge will judge the other Judge’s display(s).
- To be eligible to judge you must be in the Advanced or Master class.
- Judges will score each display without regard to the displayer’s class. (Score cards will not show displayers class).
- Judging will take place on Saturday and displayer should be at their displays to assist in answering any questions.
- Judges are to sign and turn their score cards into the Show Director, or his appointee, before the close of the show on Saturday.
- The Show Director, or his appointee, will than assign the class to each score card and tabulate the scores for each class. The results will be announced at the awards dinner and meeting on Saturday night.
- The Show Director, or his appointee, will then be responsible to provide the final results for publication in the ROCS Digest and other publications as well as posting on the ROCS website.
PART V Awards:
The winners of each class will receive a trophy, or plaque,
and/or a certificate, and in some cases a special prize.
Other awards may be given at the discretion of the show
director to all displayers.
It is the show directors' discretion to give awards for the
"Best Gun" and "Best Display".
If available special awards such as firearms will be given
out by drawing. All the "Master Class" displayers names
will be placed in a hat and one winning name will be
drawn. The process will then be repeated for the
"Advanced Class", then the "Intermediate Class". The
"Novice Class" and "Youth Class" will be combined and
one winner drawn.
In some cases all the displayers names will be placed
together and one winner will be drawn for a special prize.
This is done at the Show Coordinators discretion.
The money we raise from our auctions, both live and silent,
and from other sales enable us to buy the firearms and other
prizes we give away. If you want to continue seeing prizes
such as firearms it is important that you support the club by
bidding high on auction items and/or donating items for the
auctions. All the money raised at the show stays with the
show to be used for the following year's prizes.