Annual RENE price guide questionaire

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Annual RENE price guide questionaire

Post by chet15 »

It is that time of year to send out the annual Red Eagle News Exchange Price Guide questionaire.
For the last couple years, with COVID, lack of firearms production for most Ruger series, and now soaring inflation, it is evident that gun enthusiasts aren't only spending extra $ for certain gun models, they are spending the extra $ because they simply can't find what they are looking for right way, so "pucker factor" sets in and things like a common M77V are going for $1,500 today!
It would seem that the "intrinsic" value has shot up faster than collector value, so with this year's price guide I would ask to be sure to price according to what a collector or shooter would pay for the item listed. If that means the fact that today's price of a standard non-prefix Old Model .357 Blackhawk has outpaced the collector value of any of the 42xxx to 51xxx range transition .357 Blackhawks for example, then please use your best judgement as to which value is greater.
For the questionaire, if your knowledge only reaches one or two subjects, I would ask that participants fill out what they are able to. Remember that the more people who fill this questionaire out, or even sections of it, the more accurate the prices are. Results are averaged and printed in the annual August edition of RENE. These prices are also used in editing the Blue Book of Gun Values every year.
I have already sent an excel file questionaire to those who have filled it out in the past, so if you haven't received that, please let me know and I'll get one out to you. If you are unable to receive or send by Excel file, I can also send out a snail mail version.
Thank you!!
Chad Hiddleson
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Re: Annual RENE price guide questionaire

Post by outta_ammo »

I would be happy to participate in this study, but my responses would be based on a spreadsheet I maintain recording what buyers are actually paying. I believe that what some subset of people indicate they would be willing to pay is no longer relevant. Whatever is actually being paid for a given arm is the market value.

I read a number of posts on different collector forums bemoaning the "crazy" prices being paid. And that "I would never pay that." Doesn't matter. If that's what they're selling for, that's the market.

Oh, and I dropped my subscription to Blue Book of Gun Values a couple of years ago. I was seeing little to no correlation between their pricing and reality. A once-a-year publication has no hope of keeping up with trends that change as rapidly as we're seeing now.
Last edited by outta_ammo on Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Annual RENE price guide questionaire

Post by Hawkeye28 »

FOR INFO........MUCH OF THE RUGER DATA IN THE BLUE BOOK IS BASED ON OUR SURVEYS. Thanks to Chad's works and our input.........suggest you participate. My snail mail input went into the mailbox this afternoon. SPLITZ 8-)
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Re: Annual RENE price guide questionaire

Post by flattop44 »

Mine whet in today. Sorry so late Chad.
Brass Frame
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Re: Annual RENE price guide questionaire

Post by Brass Frame »

My numbers were submitted July 29 via electronic mail.
Brass Frame/Lee E
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