For anybody who has been looking for one of these, better grab this one as you may never see another... there are only 5 of these with an 87-prefix... After these 5 were made (87-81576 through 87-81580), Ruger decided that the model is not a Super Blackhawk (which was within the 87- prefix at the time), but it is a a Blackhawk, so they changed the catalog number, model number and the serial number prefix which went to 38-. ... 1#topoflot
P.S.: The gun being auctioned in this lot was one of two (2 of the 5) that Kent Williams of Williams' Shooter Supply set back for himself.
Rare NM .41 flattop... 1 of 5
Re: Rare NM .41 flattop... 1 of 5
Wow! Sold for 950.
"My greatest fear is that, when I die, my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them." Anonymous Collector