Ruger 10133 mkiii

Includes .22 Standard, Mark I, Mark II, Mark III and all Centerfire Semi-Auto Pistols.
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Ruger 10133 mkiii

Post by Rickkling »

I posted this on the Facebook page, but for those of you who don’t do Facebook:

Well, most of my collection is standards, MKI’s and MKII’s, with a few MKIII’s.
Apparently there aren’t a ton of real collectible MKIII’s, or at least I thought!
I picked this up on GB this week. It’s a MKIII two tone that, according to what I’ve found, was contracted by a distributor, but they backed out.
They were sold off to sport south, and the rest is history.
Less than 200 built.
Someone referred to this as a “pinto”. Does anyone know if that’s correct?
This one is complete, and appears unfired. And honestly, I don’t find it to be particularly attractive, but it is a nice addition to my collection.
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Re: Ruger 10133 mkiii

Post by contender »

Generally speaking,, yes,, guns that are 2-toned like that are called "Pinto's."

And while there may be fewer MK collectors than SA collectors,, the ones who do collect would prize one like that.
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Re: Ruger 10133 mkiii

Post by Rickkling »

Thank you. I thought it was a good find.
Any idea as to WHY they are called pinto?
Sorry, I just love the details (and I’m a bit bored right now)😊
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Re: Ruger 10133 mkiii

Post by Watertender »

Interesting looking piece and another facet of Ruger collecting. Certainly not something you see everyday. I am sure it's in good hands.
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Re: Ruger 10133 mkiii

Post by brenemkj »

Congratulations! I was watching the auction and that's only the third one I've seen for sale since I became aware of them. The first two I bought, only one of which I actually received, but that's another story. I collect stainless Standards and because it's designated as KMKIII4-T, I consider it a stainless model. I certainly would have purchased it at the buy-it-now price if I didn't have one already. I'm not sure any MKIIIs are "collectable", but if any are, this one would be it.

A pinto is basically a two-colored horse. AFAIK there's nothing official about calling them a pinto and I have no idea who started that. I'm kind of on the fence about the look. Ruger did produce three two-toned Marks (all for distributers I believe) that I'm aware of but there are probably more.
rpm enterprises
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Re: Ruger 10133 mkiii

Post by rpm enterprises »

I personally refer to them as 2 tones. There are actually 2 models like that in the mk 3s. One like pictured and the other is opposite but in a 6". I would have to go to my notes but one modle was sold through distributor I believe sports south the other was a distributor but backed out of the deal and I believe Cabelas picked them up I just don't remember all the facts it's been so long ago. I did buy several and when I did the Ruger display shows I raffle some off and some were given as awards. There was also a mark 2 that was two tone in a 5 1/2" barrel.
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Re: Ruger 10133 mkiii

Post by brenemkj »

I would VERY much appreciate any info you might have on the 6" model.
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