ROCS Shows and Displays

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ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by RoninPA »

ROCS members and gun show displayers (no matter what show you display at), I have volunteered :o to assist the people who set these shows up for us, particularly in what ROCS should do for/give to the displayers. We understand that many displayers go to several shows and many travel some pretty good distances to the shows and do this on their own time and money (which can be considerable).

ROCS would like to be able to show their appreciation to all the displayers by providing something to;

One - acknowledge their hard work in putting together a display, no matter how big or small and for allowing the people that come to these shows to appreciate the guns shown and maybe learn a little about our favorite firearms; and

Two, to recognize those individuals that are selected as the best in the class that they are displaying (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Masters).

We are soliciting your input. Give me your thoughts what you would like to see be given to each individual displayer and to the class winners at each show. You can also tell me what you would not want to see in the future. There are no right or wrong answers and all input/ideas/suggestions will be fully and carefully evaluated. This is your organization, we all together make it or break it.

Lee and Bill are up to their eyeballs in ROCS projects; Bill with the ROCS Bearcats and Lee with getting the next ROCS Digest out and getting the next ROCS/OGCA show organized and show packets put together. I told them I would help in any why I could so I will be the focal point for this discussion. Any and all suggestions/ideas/complaints/etc. will come to me and I will then organize them and send them to the people who make the final decision. I promise that when I send your ideas, thoughts, suggestions, complaints, whatever, there will be no names attached, and nothing that would give anyone any idea on who made the comments (good or not so good). If you don’t think that I should be doing this, let me know who you would recommend.

You can contact me by sending me a PM here on the forum, emailing me at or calling/faxing me at my shop (814) 867-0867

Let’s work together to make ROCS even better for all the members.

Thank you
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Re: ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by Big Old Boy »

My only comment is You are the man for the job I know you will be great to bounce ideas off. I'm thinking and you can expect a call.
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Re: ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by RoninPA »

Have received just 2 replies to my inquiry - here is a good example of what we're looking for (it has been edited to make sure the sender is anonymous):

Hi Ron, 
I would like to thank you for this effort to find ways to improve the way ROCS rewards those that chose to display.

Cash prizes would be nice as we all know that trophies and other awards normally just collect dust. This would be a way to offset the cost to build a display and travel cost. Would it be possible for the show promoter to offer free tables as they advertise the displays at their shows which should increase revenue for the increase attendance to see the displays? 

Has anyone contacted Ruger to see what they might be willing to do to support our displays that promote their products? I know Bill Ruger did not like the collectors because he made his guns to be used. With new management now they might be interested like our first  display show in Tulsa where all displayers received an American Rimfire rifle for displaying. I liked this idea. I know it is far reaching but maybe the winner of each division would receive a special gun made by the factory like what the person is displaying to recognize the work and cost of displaying their products.. Just think of the interest in displaying this might generate if advertised in advance of a show! 

How about some recognition for those that write articles for the journal? Maybe a raffle for some gun or a years membership to encourage members to submit articles on there favorite guns and what makes them special to them. Maybe it was their first gun that dad bought them and the story behind it.        

We need to get younger members to keep the interest going in owning and collecting. If we look at the average age of the displayers we are almost all of retirement age. I know that the age group of the people I talk to at the display show covers a large age group so the real question is what can we do to inspire them to display. Specially made factory guns just might do it! This just might open up a whole new area of collecting Rugers!

This is what we're looking for from the membership - IDEAS/BRAINSTORMING. I do need to add that these ideas can come from all members, not just those that display at this time. Those that are thinking of displaying - let us know what would entice you take that step to make and show a display of your favorite Rugers - even if it is just a single gun.


Thank you for any inputs.
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Re: ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by Big Old Boy »

I think one of the most important things to do is just encourage people to display. I hope to have two displays at Huntsville next year. The second display will have two Rugers that are toddlers no more than four years old, as you and I have both said the fun is in seeing the displays and meeting like minded people. Just do it!! I also know many people are not aware of our organization maybe we should try to talk it up more on the other Ruger forums. Many have not seen our digest if we could maybe post some pictures and articles on the other forums it will help stir more interest I as others were members of RCA but it became so dull that we left though our group is much more involved with purpose now.
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Re: ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by Charlie1022 »

I like the ideas listed above about the cash prizes and the possibility of special guns made by the factory for winners the different classes.

I am really surprised that there have not yet been more replies with ideas on what they would like to see happen to reward displayers. I just saw where we have another new member which brings our membership up to 277. I just sent my ideas to Ron and encourage everyone to contact him also with your ideas. Maybe you are a member and have not yet displayed your collection at a show for what ever reason so I would encourage you to tell them why you have not yeat displayed and what it would take to get you to bring them out to show them off.

As I recall 22 displays is the largest number of members who have displayed at one time. Just think if we doubled or tripled that number of displays the interest it would generate. The more interest we generate the more it adds to the value of your collection! When you find that special gun that are very rare you know how it makes you feel and displaying gives you a way to show off even just one special rare gun. So what will it take to get you to display? Here is your chance to have your thoughts heard to get you to display.

I have had a lot of fun displaying and have made many friends from all over the country through displaying since 1993. Hope to see more members get involved with thier collections and displays.

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Re: ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by RoninPA »

Well, seems this topic has died a bit, I guess all the ROCS displayers all over the US are happy with the way things are done right now.

I still want ideas on how to make things better. If we don't hear from displayers, how can ROCS make the experience better?

Thanks to all who have responded.
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Re: ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by Charlie1022 »

How about more shows. If we get more displays set up at other shows it might help make more aware of what we do. I have a local show in Lima, Ohio that have had collector displays before that we might be able to set up a show at. If interested let me know and I can check with the show manager. Normally we had the collector show the first weekend in May. I know it is too quick for this year but if interested I would be willing to check it out for next year. This is a good show with about 460 tables. There are a couple local gun clubs that we could check out to have a banquet which would not cost us near as much as a major hotel to have a banquet. It might also be a good draw for the spring show and may also not cost near as much for tables. Let me know if this interest you and we could set something up for next year.

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Re: ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by ruger66 »

I really can't give a comment on the shows I have only displayed at one and that was a RCA shows. The only thing I can say they are too far away or the wrong time of year for me. Thats my fault not anybody else s. It takes me 6 hours just to get NH.
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Re: ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by RoninPA »

Thanks for the responses. All these responses will be passed on to the management for their consideration. More shows in different areas isn't a bad idea, but I know they will ask "who will step up to coordinate the show(s)" ? It does entail a lot of work from what I gather. But, I'll pass everything on to those that make the decisions.
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Re: ROCS Shows and Displays

Post by Fox Mike »

I posted this over a the rugerforum site but, just in case it wasn't seen there, I'll post it here also.

Since many have mentioned the cost not only to enter (table cost), but rooms, meals, and travel to a show; I have a question. How would one single person go about trying to make a "single ROCS display" in a local show. Would there be any 'backing' from the ROCS or would that person simply be on their own? Could such a person even say that the display was a ROCS display or would that not be allowed? Where would that one individual acquire the LARGE ROCS shields seen on the front of the tables at all the 'group' displays? Where would one acquire the LARGE Ruger Eagle signs? Are they copyrighted or can they be made at a commercial banner shop? Honestly, not much information on the "how to" set up a display or acquire the materials has ever been mentioned.
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